The Company of Proprietors
of the Stroudwater Navigation

Stroudwater Boat Registration Form
The Company of Proprietors of the Stroudwater Navigation is the oldest surviving canal company and can trace its roots back to the first Stroudwater Navigation Act of Parliament which was obtained in 1730 when George II was on the throne.

The Company operates a Boat Registration Scheme so that those who wish to do so, can have their boats placed on the Company Boat Register.

There are two types of entry:

1. Initial Entry - this is where the boat is entered on to the register for the first time. The boat is given a registration number at this point and this unique number applies to the boat itself. It will not be re-allocated in the event that the boat is sold or destroyed and it cannot be transferred to a different boat, whether or not it bears the same name.  A certificate is issued bearing the name of the boat, its owner and its registered number. There is a one off charge of £50 for this initial registration.

2. Addition of new Owner - when a registered boat changes hands, the new owner can have their name added to the register and a new certificate bearing the new owner's name for a one off charge of £10.

Application form .doc format          Application form .htm format

Please note that registration is not the same a licensing for use nor does it imply that the registered craft complies with any technical or safety related requirements. Craft which are registered still need to obtain licenses for whichever waterway authority is relevant for where the craft is to be used. The Stroud Valleys Canal Company is the Navigation Authority for the Stroudwater Canal and the western part of the T&S Canal.

Registrations can be obtained from:           Email our Clerk

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